

To use GEMstack, you will need Python 3.7+ and ROS Noetic. To run it live on the GEM vehicle, you will also need PACMOD, which is Autonomoustuff’s low level interface to the vehicle

Next, clone it from the source Github repository:

git clone

Next, install the Python dependencies, running the following command from this folder

(.venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

This command will install the following packages onto your system: - opencv-python - numpy - scipy - torch - shapely - dacite - pyyaml

Now, you can run the GEMstack entrypoints from the current folder (recommended).

Alternatively, you can install GEMstack using pip (not recomended):

(.venv) $ pip install .

This is not recommended because has a couple of drawbacks: - You will need to reinstall every time you change code in this folder. - You might make changes in this directory, e.g., via git pull, and then forget to reinstall, so the changes won’t be reflected when you run your code. - If you added model or roadgraph files, e.g., to the knowledge directory, they may not be installed. You will need to edit pyproject.toml to include those files.

If you are finding versioning errors due to an accidentally installed version of GEMstack conflicting with your work in this folder, make sure to run pip uninstall GEMstack.

Launching the stack

To launch a simulation using:

python GEMstack/launch/LAUNCH_FILE.yaml

where LAUNCH_FILE.yaml is your preferred simulation launch file. Inspect the simulator classes in GEMstack/onboard/interface/ for more information about configuring a simulator.

To launch onboard behavior you will open four terminal windows, and in each of them run: - roscore - roslaunch basic_launch sensor_init.launch - roslaunch basic_launch visualization.launch - python GEMstack/launch/LAUNCH_FILE.yaml where LAUNCH_FILE.yaml is your preferred launch file.

Note that if you try to use import GEMstack in a script or Jupyter notebook anywhere outside of this directory, Python will not know where the GEMstack module is. If you wish to import GEMstack from a script located in a separate directory, you can put

import sys
import os
sys.path.append(os.getcwd())   #or enter the absolute path of this directory

import GEMstack

at the top of your script. Then, you can run the script from this directory via python PATH/TO/SCRIPT/ See the scripts in testing for an example of how this is done.